Lodrö Namgyel

From Shangpa Resource Center

Resource ID P105
Date of Birth 1618 Date of Death 1683
External links BDRC P10313

Name Variants

blo gros rnam rgyal


Jetsün Taranatha
Yeshé Gyamtso
Künga Rinchen Gyamtso


Ngawang Trinlé
rin chen mnyam bzhag (W1KG16278)


Lineage: Jetsün Taranatha > Lodrö Namgyel: BDRC P10313
Lineage: Yeshé Gyamtso > Lodrö Namgyel: SCv4p211
Lineage: Künga Rinchen Gyamtso > Lodrö Namgyel: gdams ngag mdzod