Sakya Pandita Künga Gyeltsen
From Shangpa Resource Center
Resource ID | P407 | ||
Date of Birth | 1182 | Date of Death | 1251 |
External links | BUDA P1056 |
Name Variants
sa skya paN+Di ta kun dga' rgyal mtshansa skya khri 'dzin 6
Shakya Shri[spyi bo lhas pa byang chub 'od (ref.?)]
zhu ston rdo rje skyabs (ref.?)
Sangyé TönpaNotes
Sakya Tridzin 6, fourth of the Five Sakya Patriarchs. Nephew of Sakya Jetsün Drakpa Gyeltsen and Sönam Tsemo.Sakya Pandita received the Shangpa teachings from Chiwo Lhepa Jangchup Ö, one of his three main ordination masters. He was also a spiritual heir of the Rechung Kagyü teachings transmitted by Burgom Nakpo then Mokchokpa Rinchen Tsöndrü, perhaps following Shutön Dorjé Kyab, another of his three masters, who transmitted the teachings of Mokchokpa (sdom pa gsum gyi rab tu dbye ba'i bstan bcos, ref.?)Lineage: Shakya Shri > Sakya Pandita Künga Gyeltsen: BUDA P1056