Nagarjuna 2
Resource ID | P456 | ||
Date of Birth | Unknown | Date of Death | Unknown |
External links | BDRC P4954 with conflict dates |
Name Variants
klu sgrubklu grub
SarahaBodhisattva ratnamati
Aryadeva 2Shavaripa
Drupé Pawo
Conflict with the dates of other masters: Saraha 8th c. / Shavaripa 10~11th c. / Matangi ...Wikipedia: "Ārya Nāgārjuna, a tantric commentator to the Guhyasamāja who authored the Pañcakrama. Not to be confused with the Madhyamaka philosopher of the same name."
"Also, there is a later Tantric Buddhist author by the same name who may have been a scholar at Nālandā University and wrote on Buddhist tantra. According to Donald S. Lopez Jr., he originally belonged to a Brahmin family from eastern India and later became Buddhist."
Lineage: Saraha > Nagarjuna 2: SCv5p439
Lineage: Bodhisattva ratnamati (blo gros rin chen) > Nagarjuna 2: SCv5p541