From Shangpa Resource Center
Resource ID | P69 | ||
Date of Birth | 8th c. | Date of Death | 780 ? |
External links | BDRC P6160 Wikipedia |
Name Variants
sa ra habram ze chen po
mda' bsnun chen po
Nagarjuna 2Associated works
- Bram ze mchog sred kyis mdzad pa'i bstod pa rngams pa sgra sgrogs
- Byin gyis brlabs pa nag po chen po zhal gsum phyag drug pa khrag 'thung gi sgrub pa
- Mgon po zhal gsum phyag drug pa'i sgrub thabs bsdus pa bram ze chen pos mdzad pa
Associated to work
One of the 84 mahasiddhas compiled by Abhayadattasri and Viraprakasa (Dates are taken from Buddhist Art & Antiquities of Himachal Pradesh, Upto 8th Century A.D.)Wikipedia: "Saraha, also known as Rāhula (c. 633), a famous author of esoteric dohas."
Lineage: Visukalpa > Saraha: SCv5p439