Norbu Döndrup

From Shangpa Resource Center

Resource ID P36
Date of Birth 1880 Date of Death 1954?
External links Shangpa Foundation

Name Variants

nor bu don grub
norbu don kun grub pa


Karma Trashi Öser
Karma Trashi Chöpel
Khedrup Kagyü Tendzin
Khyentsé Öser
Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé


Kalu Dorjé Chang

Associated works

Associated to work


Lineage: Karma Trashi Öser > Norbu Döndrup: ND1
Lineage: Karma Trashi Chöpel > Norbu Döndrup: SCv2p695
Lineage: Khedrup Kagyü Tendzin > Norbu Döndrup: ND1
Lineage: Khyentsé Öser > Norbu Döndrup: SCv4p703
Lineage: Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé > Norbu Döndrup: ND1